Labeling the Politics of ESG Funds
The Bottom Line: Critics of ESG investing exhibit a lack of knowledge and awareness of key features of sustainable investing specifically related to ESG integration. Introduction Increasingly, criticism of ESG investing has taken on a political tilt. These arguments often identify ESG funds as a means of ‘state control of the economy and of society’. […]
Sustainable Investing Monitor-September 2023
The Bottom Line: Sustainable funds’ net assets benefited from positive flows, new fund launches held up relative to 2022 while ESG fund indices lagged again.[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type=”show” ihc_mb_who=”reg” ihc_mb_template=”4″ ] New Sustainable Fund Launches One new sustainable ETF was listed in August versus zero mutual fund launches, excluding additional share classes. The number of fund […]
Sustainable Investing Monitor-August 2023
The Bottom Line: Relative performance results lagged again this month, as did fund formations and quarterly sustainable bond issuances, but sustainable mutual funds gained assets. New Fund Launches The number of new sustainable fund launches, including mutual funds and ETFs in the first seven months of 2023 reached 62, identical to the total number of […]
Greenwashing incidents on the rise but likely overstated
The Bottom Line: References to greenwashing appear to be on the rise, but various considerations other than greenwashing may be contributing to the recent uptick. References to greenwashing are on the rise but likely overstated References to greenwashing appear to be on the rise, as illustrated by data along the lines captured by FactSet in […]
ESG Issues in the Bond Fund Space presentation slides
The Bottom Line: Slides presented at Crane Data’s Bond Fund Symposium, March 28, 2022, on the topic of ESG Issues in the Bond Fund Space. Key takeaways from Crane’s Bond Fund Symposium presentation: ESG and sustainable investing are terms that are used interchangeably, leading to confusion and misunderstanding. Terms should be defined, and standards established […]
Net Zero Asset Managers initiative invites stakeholder questions
The Bottom Line: Net Zero Asset Managers initiative supports the carbon transition, but managers’ actions will have an impact on portfolio structures, investments and outcomes. Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative has attracted 220 signatories with $57 trillion in assets under management Ahead of the conclusion on November 13, 2021 of the Glasgow Climate Pact […]
2020 Review: Sustainable ETFs and ETNs
The Bottom Line: Sustainable ETFs/ETNs in 2020 experienced significant growth and ended the year at $93.1 billion across 154 funds. The ESG Integration-Mixed approach dominates. Sustainable ETFs in 2020 experienced significant growth and ended the year at $93.1 billion in assets Sustainable ETFs[1], dominated by funds that pursue an ESG Integration-Mixed[2] approach to sustainable investing, […]
Limited number of ETF re-brandings vs. mutual funds
The Bottom Line: iShares ESG Advanced HY Corporate ETF only 4th re-branded index fund in last 12-months during interval when just 12 ETFs were repurposed. [ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type=”block” ihc_mb_who=”reg” ihc_mb_template=”4″ ] The Bottom Line: iShares ESG Advanced HY