Funds Group: Eaton Vance Funds
Management Company: Boston Management and Research/Eaton Vance Management
Funds Affected: Eaton Vance 1-to-10 Yr Lad Corp Bd, Eaton Vance AMT-Free Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Atlanta Capital Focused Gr A, Eaton Vance Atlanta Capital Sel Eq, Eaton Vance Atlanta Capital SMID-Cap, Eaton Vance AZ Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Balanced, Eaton Vance CA Municipal Opportunities, Eaton Vance Core Bond, Eaton Vance Core Plus Bond, Eaton Vance CT Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Dividend Builder, Eaton Vance Emerg & Frntr Countrs Eq, Eaton Vance Emerging Markets Dbt Opps, Eaton Vance Emerging Markets Debt, Eaton Vance Emerging Markets Local Inc, Eaton Vance Floating-Rate & Hi Inc, Eaton Vance Floating-Rate Advantage, Eaton Vance Floating-Rate Muni Inc, Eaton Vance Floating Rate, Eaton Vance Focused Global Opps, Eaton Vance Focused Growth Opps, Eaton Vance Focused Value Opps, Eaton Vance GA Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Glb Macro Absolute Return, Eaton Vance Glbl Macro Abs Ret Advtg, Eaton Vance Global Bond Fund, Eaton Vance Global Income Builder, Eaton Vance Global Small-Cap Equity, Eaton Vance Government Opportunities, Eaton Vance Greater China Growth, Eaton Vance Greater India, Eaton Vance Growth, Eaton Vance Hexavest Global Equity, Eaton Vance Hexavest International Eq, Eaton Vance High-Yield Municipal Inc, Eaton Vance High Income Opportunities, Eaton Vance Income Fund of Boston, Eaton Vance International Small-Cap, Eaton Vance Large-Cap Value, Eaton Vance MA Municipal Income, Eaton Vance MA Municipal Income, Eaton Vance MD Municipal Income, Eaton Vance MN Municipal Income, Eaton Vance MO Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Multi-Asset Credit, Eaton Vance Multisector Income, Eaton Vance Municipal Opportunities, Eaton Vance National Ltd Mat Muni Inc, Eaton Vance National Municipal Income, Eaton Vance NC Municipal Income, Eaton Vance NJ Municipal Income, Eaton Vance NY Municipal Income, Eaton Vance NY Municipal Opps, Eaton Vance OH Municipal Income, Eaton Vance OR Municipal Income, Eaton Vance PA Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Real Estate, Eaton Vance SC Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Short Dur Infl-Prot Inc, Eaton Vance Short Duration Gov Inc, Eaton Vance Short Duration High Income, Eaton Vance Short Duration Muni Opps, Eaton Vance Short Duration Strat Inc, Eaton Vance Small-Cap, Eaton Vance Special Equities, Eaton Vance Stock, Eaton Vance Stock NextShares™, Eaton Vance TABS 10to20 Yr Ldrd Mn Bd, Eaton Vance TABS 1to10 Year Ldrd Mn Bd, Eaton Vance TABS 5 to15 Yr Lad Muni Bd, Eaton Vance TABS 5to15Yr Ldrd MuniBd, Eaton Vance TABS Interm-Term Muni Bd, Eaton Vance TABS Short-Term Muni Bd, Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Eq Aset Allc, Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Global Div Inc, Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Multi-Cap Gr, Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.1, Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.2, Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Small-Cap, Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Value, Eaton Vance VA Municipal Income, Eaton Vance Worldwide Health Sci , Eaton Vance Worldwide Health Sci
Principal Investment Management Strategy: ESG integration*
Portfolio management utilizes the information provided by, and the expertise of, the research staff of the investment adviser, sub-adviser (if applicable) and/or their affiliates in making investment decisions. As part of the research process, portfolio management may consider (italics added) financially material environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors. Such factors, alongside other relevant factors, may be taken into account in the Fund’s securities selection process.
*Effective as of October 16, 2019
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