Fund Complex: SEI Catholic Values
Management Company: SEI Investments Management Corporation (SIMC). Sub-advisers: (1) BlackRock Investment Management, LLC, Income Research and Management, Western Asset Management Company and Western Asset Management Company Limited, (2) Brandywine Global Investment Management, LLC, Coho Partners, Ltd., EAM Investors, LLC., EARNEST Partners LLC, Parametric Portfolio Associated LLC, and Snow Capital Management, LP.
Funds Affected: (1) SEI Catholic Values Fixed Income Fund and (2) Catholic Values Equity Fund
Sustainable Investing Strategy: Religious/Ethical; ESG Integration, Exclusions
The funds seek to make investment decisions consistent with the principles of the Catholic Church with respect to a range of social and moral concerns that may include: protecting human life; promoting human dignity; reducing arms production; pursuing economic justice; protecting the environment, and encouraging corporate responsibility. This will be accomplished through the reliance on the principles contained in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Socially Responsible Investing Guidelines (Guidelines). Potential investments for the fund are first selected for financial soundness and then evaluated according to the funds’ social criteria. The funds’ investment adviser has retained a third party environmental, social, and governance research firm to compile a list of restricted securities, using principles contained in the Guidelines, in which the funds will not be permitted to invest. The funds will not invest in issuers identified through this process.
In short, according to the USCCB Guidelines, Catholic investment portfolios should:
- Protect Human Life
- Promote Human Dignity
- Reduce Arms Production
- Pursue Economic Justice
- Protect the Environment
- Encourage Corporate Responsibility
Further, Catholics must never invest in businesses engaged in abortion, contraception, embryonic stem cell research, racial and gender discrimination, pornography, arms production or other morally wrong business activities.
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