Fund Complex: Riverbridge Partners
Management Company: Riverbridge Partners, LLC
Funds Affected: Rivebridge Eco Leaders Fund
Sustainable Investing Strategy: ESG Integration
The fund invests in equity securities of “Eco Leader” companies, which are companies that the investment adviser believes are positioning themselves for sustainable market leadership and long-term growth, while demonstrating environmental stewardship (i.e., companies that understand their supply chain impact and dependency on the environment while seeking to improve resource productivity), social responsibility and corporate governance best practices.
This firm’s fundamental approach includes a rigorous research and due diligence process, including a thorough assessment of a company’s culture and sustainable market leadership through direct interactions with a company’s management team. In addition, the advisor performs an assessment of the company through interactions with the company’s management team, as well as a peer-review process that includes interactions with the company’s competitors, suppliers, partners and/or customers. The advisor believes these interactions allow for the opportunity to evaluate key aspects of the company’s environmental, social and governance profiles. In selecting the Eco Leaders Fund’s investments the advisor selects companies based on the advisor’s investment process and criteria, which includes environmental, social and governance standards.
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