Funds Group: Natixis Funds
Management Company: Mirova USA LLC
Funds Affected: Mirova Global Green Bond Fund
Principal Sustainable Investment Strategy: Thematic investing and ESG integration
Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in “green bonds.” “Green bonds” are bonds and notes all of the proceeds of which are used to finance projects which the adviser believes will have a positive environmental impact.
The fund primarily invests in fixed-income securities issued by companies, banks, supranational entities, development banks, agencies, regions and governments. In deciding which securities to buy and sell, the adviser selects securities based on their financial valuation profile and an analysis of the global environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) impact of the issuer or the projects funded with the securities. Following the evaluation of a security, the portfolio managers value the security based, among other factors, on what they believe is a fair spread for the issue relative to comparable government securities, as well as historical and expected default and recovery rates. The portfolio managers will re-evaluate and possibly sell a security if there is a deterioration of its ESG quality and/or financial rating, among other reasons.
Green bonds are usually issued to finance specific projects intended to generate an environmental benefit while offering potential market return in the same manner as other “conventional” fixed income securities.
Beyond fundamental security analysis, the adviser independently analyzes each green bond it selects for the fund along the following lines:
• Use of Proceeds: legal documentation specifies that proceeds will be used to finance or refinance projects with a positive environmental impact, such as projects relating to climate change, preservation of resources, pollution prevention or mitigation and biodiversity.
• Impact on Sustainable Opportunity: quality of the environmental impact of the project is analyzed. Four evaluation levels have been defined with respect to the positive environmental impact: High, Significant, Low or No, and Negative. Only issues that the Adviser believes will have a High or Significant positive environmental impact can qualify.
• Risk Evaluation: an analysis of the general practices of the issuer and of the management of the environmental and social risks during the life cycle of the projects.
• Reporting: issuer should provide regular reports on the use of proceeds. This reporting will also be used to reevaluate all other aspects of the Adviser’s analysis as described above.
The adviser monitors developments in the global green bond market and may revise the above criteria in the future.
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