Funds Group: Mainstay Funds
Management Company: (1) New York Life Investment Management LLC; Subadvisor: Candriam Belgium, (2) New York Life Investment Management LLC: Subadvisor: Winslow Capital Management, LLC, (3) New York Life Investment Management LLC: Subadvisor: MacKay Shields LLC
Funds Affected: (1) MainStay Candriam Emerging Markets Fund and (2) MainStay Large Cap Growth Fund, (3) Mainstay MacKay Intermediate Tax Free Fund
Principal Sustainable Investment Strategy: (1) Exclusions, (2-3) ESG integration
(1) The subadvisor also seeks to limit exposure to industries which do not satisfy its environmental, social or governance (ESG) criteria such as certain types of extractive industries, tobacco-related industries and industries related to chemical, biological or white phosphorus weapons.
(2) The subadvisor may give consideration to certain environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria when evaluating an investment opportunity.