Funds Group: Causeway Funds
Management Company: Causeway Capital Management
Funds Affected: Causeway Emerging Markets, Causeway Global Absolute Return, Causeway Global Value, Causeway International Opps,
Causeway International Small Cap, Causeway International Value
Principal Sustainable Investment Management Strategy: ESG integration
As part of the investment adviser’s investment process, when evaluating investments and potential investments, it considers material environmental, social and corporate governance (“ESG”) issues. When evaluating potential benefits and risks of an investment, the investment adviser focuses on ESG issues that it believes may have a significant impact on a company’s performance during the funds’ investment horizons. There are not universally agreed upon objective standards for assessing ESG issues for companies, and the investment adviser’s criteria and process for assessing ESG issues may differ from an investor’s or other person’s understanding of which ESG criteria should be used or how ESG issues should be analyzed. ESG issues tend to have many subjective characteristics, can be difficult to analyze, and frequently involve a balancing of a company’s business plans, objectives, actual conduct and other factors. In addition, ESG issues can vary over different periods and can evolve over time. They may also be difficult to apply consistently across regions, countries, industries or sectors. Moreover, there is not universal acceptance of ESG analysis within the investment community.