Funds Group: BMO Funds
Management Company: BMO Asset Management Corp.
Funds Affected: BMO Aggressive Allocation, BMO Balanced Allocation, BMO Conservative Allocation, BMO Disciplined International Equity, BMO Dividend Income, BMO Global Low Volatility Equity, BMO Government Money Market, BMO Growth Allocation, BMO High Yield Bond, BMO Institutional Prime MMkt, BMO Intermediate Tax-Free, BMO Large-Cap Growth, BMO Large-Cap Value, BMO LGM Emerging Markets Equity, BMO Low Volatility Equity, BMO Mid-Cap Growth, BMO Mid-Cap Value, BMO Moderate Allocation, BMO Prime Money Market, BMO Pyrford International Stock, BMO Short-Term Income, BMO Short Tax-Free, BMO Small-Cap Core, BMO Small-Cap Growth, BMO Small-Cap Value, BMO Strategic Income, BMO Tax-Free Money Market, BMO TCH Core Plus Bond, BMO TCH Corporate Income, BMO Ultra Short Tax-Free
Principal Sustainable Investment Management Strategy: ESG integration*
The adviser also integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into its security selection, portfolio construction, and monitoring processes.
*Effective December 2019
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