Funds Group: Barclay Bank
Management Company: Barclays Bank PLC
Funds Affected: (1) Return on Disability Exchange Traded Note (ETN), (2) Barclays Women in Leadership Exchange Traded Notes (ETN), (3) iPath Global Carbon ETN, (4) iPath Series B Carbon ETN (GRN)
Principal Sustainable Investment Management Strategy: Thematic Investing
(1) The Return on Disability ETN is linked to the performance of the Return on Disability US LargeCap ETN Total Return USD Index. It is designed to provide exposure to US-based companies that have acted to attract and serve people with disabilities – and their friends and family – as customers and employees. A quantitative ranking methodology is used to measure a company’s publicly observable activities relating to people with disabilities across three key areas: talent, customer and productivity. This ranking methodology focuses on elements that have the potential to increase shareholder value in a company, such as using best practices for attracting and hiring candidates with disabilities, focusing on ‘ease of use’ features in products and services, and implementing productivity-focused process improvements driven by people with disabilities.
(2) The Barclays Women in Leadership Exchange Traded Notes are linked to the performance of the Barclays Women in Leadership Total Return USD Index. The index is designed to provide exposure to U.S.-based companies that satisfy one or both of the gender diversity criteria of (1) having a female chief executive officer or (2) having at least 25% female members on the board of directors.
(3) The ETN seeks to replicate the investment performance results of the Barclays Global Carbon II TR USD Index and to provide exposure to the global price of carbon. To achieve this, the Index references the price of carbon emissions credits from the world’s major emissions related mechanisms. These mechanisms currently included in the index are the European Union Emission Trading Scheme and the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism.
(4) The fund tracks the performance of the Barclays Global Carbon II TR USD Index, providing exposure to futures contracts on carbon emissions credits from two emissions-related mechanisms, but primarily the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS). Prior to February 27, 2021, futures contracts on emission credits from the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism were also eligible to be included in the Index, although the weight of those futures contracts within the index remained below 0.1%.
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