Funds Group: Aspiration Funds
Management Company: Adviser-Aspiration Fund Adviser LLC. Sub-adviser-UBS Asset Management (Americas), Inc.
Funds Affected: Aspiration Redwood Fund
Principal Sustainable Investment Strategy: ESG Integration, Exclusions
The sub-adviser will employ both a positive and negative screening process in selecting securities for the fund. The positive screening process will identify securities of companies that are fundamentally attractive and that have superior valuation characteristics. In addition, the positive screening process will also include material, fundamental sustainability factors that the Sub-adviser believes confirm the fundamental investment case and can enhance the ability to make good investment decisions. The sustainability factors are material extra-financial factors that evaluate the environmental, social and governance performance of companies that, along with more traditional financial analytics, identify companies that the sub-adviser believes will provide sustained, long-term value. The sub-adviser believes that the sustainability strategy provides the fund with a high quality portfolio and mitigates risk.
The sub-adviser also applies a negative screening process that will exclude from the fund’s portfolio securities with more than 5% of sales in industries such as alcohol, tobacco, defense, nuclear, GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), water bottles, gambling and pornography, and will entirely exclude all firearms issuers and companies within the energy sector as defined by MSCI and its Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS).