Funds Group: AIG Funds
Management Company: SunAmerica
Funds Affected: AIG ESG Dividend Fund
Principal Sustainable Investment Strategy: Exclusions
The fund employs an environmental, social and governance (ESG) screening process at the time of investment to identify companies that meet the fund’s ESG standards. Pursuant to its ESG standards, which incorporate screening research from independent research services, the fund will not invest in: (1) Companies that are significantly engaged in: the manufacture or distribution of civilian firearms, military weapons or weapons delivery systems; the manufacture or distribution of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products; the operation of gambling-related businesses; or the production of nuclear energy, or (2) Companies that: have a history of poor labor-management relations; engage in businesses or have products that have a severely negative impact on the environment; have significant business operations in countries whose governments pose human rights concerns; operate businesses that have a significantly adverse impact on the communities in which they are located; engage in businesses or have products that have a severely negative impact on their customers, which may include companies that have products that pose safety or health concerns, engage in practices that are anti-competitive or have marketing that is inappropriate or misleading; or have a history of poor business ethics, which may include companies that have incidents of bribery or fraud, or poor governance structures.
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